Press Release No. : 23/2014
Date : 19 August 2014
The Reserve Bank of Fiji, in partnership with twenty (20) stakeholders and selected micro- entrepreneurs, is part of the Financial Inclusion Village at the 2014 Vodafone Hibiscus Festival from 16-23 August. The stakeholders include commercial banks, insurance companies, microfinance institutions, and companies offering securities investments, ITLTB, FDB FRCA and the FNPF.
These stakeholders will, in the following week be part of another Financial Inclusion Village to be hosted at the Uluda Ground, Rakiraki for two days from 28-29August.
“Green Growth, Sustainable Livelihoods” is the overarching theme for this year’s Financial Inclusion expositions. This is in line with the Green Growth Policy Framework launched by Government in June, as well as the 2014 Vodafone Hibiscus Festival theme of Climate Change.
The RBF Financial Inclusion Village provides a platform for micro-entrepreneurs to display and sell their innovative products as well as to interact with the Financial Service Providers present. The Financial Inclusion Village also allows Financial Service Providers an opportunity to display and create awareness about the products and services they offer to the general public.
The Reserve Bank has introduced policies to enhance the development of financial inclusion in Fiji. The RBF believes that microfinance and the promotion of greater financial inclusion can contribute to greater economic activities in rural areas and address poverty alleviation.
Governor Barry Whiteside has encouraged those living close to these localities to take full advantage of the one stop shop for financial services and also the advice that will be available during these two Expositions. He further added that access to financial services is a key element in improving livelihoods.