Welcome to the Reserve Bank of Fiji’s Public Awareness column. Over the next few weeks we will cover a series of articles on financial inclusion, as a lead up to the Reserve Bank of Fiji co-hosting the annual Alliance for Financial Inclusion Global PolicyForum in September.
8th AFI Global Policy Forum
Fiji will become the financial inclusion capital of the world from the 5-9 of September 2016, when representatives from approximately 94 countries and 116 member institutions of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) converge on Denarau, Nadifor the 8thAFI Global Policy Forum (GPF).Fiji is the first country in the South Pacific to host such a landmark event for financial inclusion policy makers.
Around 400-500 representatives from policy making and regulatory institutions, international organisations, academia, Government agencies and the private sector will attend the Forum. The GPF isco-hosted by AFI each year with a different member institution in a different region of the world. The Reserve Bank of Fiji was awarded the rights to host the 8thGlobal Policy Forum at the last meeting that was held in Maputo, Mozambique in September 2015.
The previous host countries of the AFI GPF were as follows: