Good Morning
Thank you for accepting the invitation to be present here for this Induction & Orientation Programme today
Thank you also for making Team RBF your career and employer of choice. For some of you this may be your first job while for others this may be a change in employment.
Being successful in our recruitment process is a remarkable achievement. The Reserve Bank sets very high standards and you would have been chosen out of a large number of applicants for your jobs.
You are now beginning on a new career journey here with us, as we all work together, as Team RBF – to achieve our Vision of Leading Fiji to Economic Success.
Our Vision we have set for Team RBF is a challenging one. We have a simplified version of this Vision to help us understand why we are here “My work in the Reserve Bank of Fiji helps create jobs, puts more food on everyone’s table, provides more opportunities to our people to own a home, gives our children a better education and secures a brighter future for all of us. While we operate on a broad policy level, our policies ultimately make a difference to people’s lives.
The Bank has six Missions that guide our activities to achieve the Vision. Each of us has a role to play in delivering outputs of the six Missions. (this is framed on the wall to your right).
Your Job Description and Group Annual Workplans is your roadmap (or key result area (KRA) which tells you what you are required to do under each Mission. All our achievements combined, will ultimately, we hope, lead to achieving the Vision.
The Bank in turn evaluates your achievements, and how well you are doing, during your annual performance assessments through a Rewards & Recognition System which is carried out in July and November each year.
While we expect high performance standards and achievements from our staff, we view behavioural issues as equally important and our Values – (we have a pneumonic “PRIDE” – which stands for Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dynamism and Excellence) – are our Team RBF standards for performance and behaviour of how we do things and how we relate to each other. The Values we adhere to are critical in building a dynamic and cohesive team – if we neglect these, all the good work we do to achieve our Vision will not be effective. The Values guard against the negativity of office politics and negative gossip. If you are ever exposed to this, I encourage to you to never get involved in office politics and negative gossip.
Today’s induction is another step to get you to know more about working requirements and staffing benefits which we anticipate will help you settle into your role well.
The work of your Managers and Supervisors is to guide your work and provide you with the tools and a motivating work environment to perform your roles.
Before I conclude let me talk a bit about our Team RBF Vision again. Many of you may be wondering how is it possible for the Reserve Bank to achieve our Vision of Leading Fiji to Economic Success, given the current state of Fiji’s declining economy – there are not enough jobs for everyone, food prices are high and our people are finding it difficult to put food on their tables.
The Governor in his 2008 Annual Workplan staff address in February explained this well. He stated that the environment has made achieving our Vision more challenging and the Reserve Bank has risen well to the challenge. We have been decisive and proactive in our policy decisions. We have introduced policy that raised interest rates, reduced liquidity, tightened exchange controls and introduced a credit ceiling. These have helped stabilise the economy. Foreign reserves are at an acceptable level and the financial system is sound. The challenge continues and is far from over for us all.
To conclude, I mention again that the Reserve Bank of Fiji’s Vision, Mission and Values are central to our work and everything we do here at Team RBF – it is important to keep these close to your heart and your work ethics here with us.
I welcome you again to Team RBF and guarantee that we will strive to ensure that your stay and career here with us will be a memorable and rewarding one. I anticipate that, with a positive attitude to work, you will experience job satisfaction, competitive remuneration packages, a good system of rewards and recognition, excellent staffing, work and recreation facilities, as well as some fine teamwork. You, of course, will contribute to all this. You will have an important role in making the Bank what it is and how it is viewed in the eyes of all stakeholders.
I wish you all a rewarding career here with us and look forward to working in partnership with you all in realizing our Vision of Leading Fiji to Economic Success.