"Leading Fiji to Economic Sucess"

Submit a Complaint


Complaints to the RBF

In April 2009, the RBF set up the Financial Systems Development and Compliance Group. This Group considers complaints from customers of regulated financial institutions, such as Commercial Banks; Credit Institutions; Pension Fund; Insurance Companies, Agents and Brokers; Capital Markets participants; and Foreign Exchange Dealers.

What type of complaints do we look into?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction due to potential financial loss or poor services. It may be related to products and/or services or operational matters of financial institutions.

Our Role

The RBF examines complaints it receives as the financial system’s regulator and supervisor. It is not an Ombudsman or a Court of Law. This means the RBF will not be in a position to handle complaints that are undergoing the judicial process, or may involve litigation.

Our Doors are OPEN

You are encouraged to discuss your complaint with the financial institution first. You should lodge your complaint in writing and keep copies of all the relevant documentation. If you are not happy with the outcome, you can lodge your complaint with the RBF, who will assist in processing your complaint.

Step 1 How to lodge a complaint?

If you have discussed your complaint with the financial institution, and are DISSATISFIED with the outcome, you may lodge your complaint with the RBF. You can lodge your complaint by telephone, email, fax, letter, in person, or by filling in a complaint form, which is available on our website, www.rbf.gov.fj.

It is important that you submit relevant documents relating to your complaint. You must provide your full CONTACT details to us when lodging your complaint.

Step 2 RBF will receive and acknowledge.

You will receive the acknowledgement letter from the RBF within three working days. We will record particulars of the complaint and examine them to identify KEY ISSUES. We will contact you if we require more information.

Step 3 RBF will refer and confer. 

We will highlight the key issues to the financial institution and seek their views. The financial institution will respond to the RBF within seven working days. If necessary, we will meet with officials from the financial institution concerned.

Step 4 investigate and Decision-making.

We will consider all aspects of the complaint including the financial institution’s response before finalising the outcome. If required, organisations other than financial institutions may be consulted in the process. However, your CONSENT will be first sought in this regard. You will be notified of the outcome within twenty-one working days. However, for complaints that may take longer to investigate, we will keep you informed of the progress regularly.


The RBF will undertake all reasonable measures necessary to address complaints to your satisfaction. However, in instances where you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you may pursue other options, for example, seeking redress through the judicial system.

MEET with US

You or your authorised representative may meet with the Compliance Unit staff at the RBF to discuss your complaint. You can arrange for such a meeting when you lodge your complaint, or at any time during the investigation phase.

Complaints about the RBF

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has established processes and procedures for the management of complaints against the Reserve Bank of Fiji. Customers of the Reserve Bank of Fiji who would like to lodge a complaint concerning the services it provides may do so. The Reserve Bank of Fiji assures that all complaints will be dealt with promptly.

Complaints Forum

The Complaints Forum is an advisory body, comprising of seven members, who are representatives from regulated financial institutions, customer advocates, regulatory bodies and other organisations. The Forum will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues arising out of customer complaints related to regulated financial institutions with a view to addressing them.


Any information received from you or your authorised representative and/or financial institution relating to your complaint or concern will be treated with strict CONFIDENTIALITY.

NEED more information

Please contact the RBF if you require additional information about the complaints process. Send Your Complaints to:

Financial Inclusion and Market Conduct Unit
Tower 6, RBF Building, Pratt Street, Suva, Fiji Islands.
Tel: +679 3223381 Fax: +679 3301688
Email: complaints@rbf.gov.fj
Website: www.rbf.gov.fj